So our babe Lulu is finally back from her season in Cape Town, South Africa (Boss SA) and boy have we missed her so we figured what better time than now to catch up with this beautiful lady and get the inside scoop – oh, and we got some cute piccies too, so enjoy!
What inspired you to become a model?
I tried it out in my last year of university to help a friend out with her project and loved how much confidence it gave me. I was quite shy so thought it would be a great opportunity to help build my confidence further!
What were your biggest fears about joining the industry and how do you feel now?
Mean model stereotypes!
Probably the type of people in the industry. I was quite oblivious to this business before and I’d never really known people in this line of work so I only had the stereotype of what you’d see on TV or in films to go by. I had this idea that it was full of the mean, snobbish, scary, obnoxious types that keep putting you down and make you cry and feel awful about yourself but I have learnt that this is a ludicrous idea to have of people and (mostly) everyone is lovely great fun to work with!
What tips would you give to someone looking to start out their modelling career?
Be proactive. Once I joined J’adore Models, I kind of thought right, I’ve got an agency now, that’s it, sat back and waited for things to happen. If you’re lucky, they may just fall into place but don’t count on it. J’adore took me off their books a couple of years ago and it was a real kick up the backside to go out and get into shape and start shooting on my own accord. Once you start to put the effort in, people will notice!
Lulu – Miss Proactive 🙂
What would be your favourite modelling job so far?
I’ve had some really great jobs and I’m so grateful for them all but I had a job a couple of months ago and it was amazing! We were shooting at a mini Holi festival that they’d created which was so cool. They’d hired in a folk band to play live music, loads of extras and plenty of drink so it didn’t even feel like I was working at all – just a massive party! And it was shooting in Cape Town…mega bonus. I love festivals – I’ve only got Love Saves The Day in Brighton lined up but I’m sure the list will grow once summer gets closer!
You’ve got super cool style – what are your fave trends?
I think bright colours and any kind of miss-matches are meant to be in this year which is defo what I’m into!
Are there any myths about the modelling industry in your opinion?
The biggest myth I’ve heard come up time and time again is mostly is about food and weight. Some are naturally skinny and some of aren’t. Some want to be super skinny and some don’t. It just depends on the individual and to assume all models have an unhealthy relationship with food is just wrong! I work hard to stay toned but I enjoy food and socialising – which means food! I’m only ever encouraged to be healthy, fit and strong.
Your skin is incredible! What’s your skin care regime?
I keep it simple. I’ll only wear mascara day to day to let my skin breathe as much as possible. My skin gets worse when I do wear makeup constantly so if I have been wearing it at work, I take it off ASAP with good old soap and water and moisturise after. Probably not the best advice but it works for me! Gernally though I do take my health super seriously as a model – I drink plenty of water, and firmly believe in everything in moderation. Also, find a workout/sport you love doing. Working out won’t be such a chore once you do! (Unless you’re one of those lucky ones who actually enjoys going to the gym – I’m still not there!)
Okay okay, you can’t be fully perfect – dish the dirt!
Okay. My guiltiest pleasure? Ice cream! 100%! When did I last tell a white lie? Far too recently but trust me it was totally for the best – honestly!
What were you like at school? Were you always planning on becoming a model?
I was always very sporty as a kid. I went through a lot of phases in school but trying to look good and thinking of modelling was never one of them! Here’s proof…
To book our insanely beautiful Lulu, ring us on 0161 2227887 / 7733596 or drop us an email at